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5 Year Strategic Plan 2021-2026
The governors and senior leaders are pleased to present our long-term strategic plan for Woodlane High School. Our intention in developing this plan is to set out and communicate our ethos, values, aims and the long-term direction for the school, so our stakeholders are clear on where we are going and what we are aiming to achieve.
This strategic plan was created by the governing body, senior leadership team, and staff representatives. Representatives from each group attended a bespoke strategic planning day with an external training provider, Head’s Up, where ideas where shaped and refined.
It should be emphasised that our over-arching priority is to ensure each and every pupil attending Woodlane receives an ‘outstanding’ education, both academically and pastorally. This will remain the most important thing we do!
Our strategic plan is complemented by our School Improvement Plan (SIP), which is our annual operational plan. Our School Improvement Plan is comprehensive and its aim is to tackle small areas for improvement so they do not grow into larger ones. We are proud of the school’s achievements and think these should be celebrated, however, our philosophy is that we are always learning and will never stop improving, aiming to be even better than ‘outstanding’.
Pupil voice is highly valued at Woodlane, pupils’ feedback and ideas will be sought throughout our planning processes whenever this is appropriate. We recognise that the best ideas often come from the pupils themselves.
Please download the plan below.