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Staff Questionnaire Results - September 2023
Every year we survey our staff to gain their views on Woodlane High School and our practices. The senior managers and governors are pleased with this year’s results, however, we are always aiming for 100% in every area! Here is a summary of our 2023 staff responses:
- 100% state they are proud to be a member of staff at this school.
- 100% state the children are safe at this school.
- 100% state behaviour is good in this school.
- 100% state the behaviour of pupils is consistently well managed.
- 100% state the school deals with any cases of bullying effectively (bullying includes persistent name-calling, cyber, racist and homophobic bullying).
- 100% state the communication is effective within the school.
- 100% state the school makes appropriate provision for their professional development.
- 100% state the school successfully meets the differing needs of individual pupils.
- 100% state they know what we are trying to achieve as a school.
- 96% state all staff consistently apply school policies (1 member of staff disagreed).
- 100% state leaders do all they can to improve teaching and learning.
- 100% state that they are aware of the school’s procedures relating to child protection.
- 100% state they feel their contribution to the school is valued by the senior managers.