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Parent/Carer Questionnare Results 2022

Thank you to parents and carers for your responses to our questionnaire.  The total response rate was 25, which was 23% of school population.

Please download the full summary below.  


Summary of parents/carers who answered each question:

It should be noted that our response rate was approximately 50% lower than usual (the data was collected online for the first time).

  • An average of 95% agreed/strongly agreed with the questions, 2 parents consistently disagreed.
  • 96% of parents feel the school has a calm and positive atmosphere (1 parent disagreed).
  • 96% parents feel the school provides a relevant curriculum for their child (1 parent disagreed).
  • 100% of parents feel the school has sufficiently high expectations of their child.
  • 92% of parents feel school trips and visits are worthwhile experiences (2 parents disagreed/strongly disagreed).
  • 91% of parents feel their child enjoys the activities organised for break and lunch times (2 parents disagreed/strongly disagreed).
  • 100% of parents feel the school runs a useful breakfast club.
  • 91% of parents feel the school provides a healthy and mixed menu for school dinners (2 parents strongly disagreed).
  • 100% of parents feel welcome when they visit the school.
  • 100% of parents feel when they contact the school, the staff are helpful and approachable.
  • 92% of parents feel their child’s annual review is a useful meeting (2 parents disagree). 
  • 92% of parents feel the annual parents’ evening is helpful, providing them with useful information about their child’s progress (2 parents disagree/strongly disagree).
  • 92% of parents feel their child benefits from the positive behaviour policy and enjoys getting merits (2 parents disagree). 
  • 91% of parents feel the school deals well with complaints and problems (2 parents disagree/strongly disagree).
  • 100% of parents feel the school encourages good attendance.
  • 92% of parents are aware that the school has a Governing Body, which has overall responsibility for the school (2 parents disagree). 
  • 96% of parents feel the school helps prepare pupils for an independent life (1 parent disagrees).
  • 96% of parents feel the school engages well with parents/carers (1 parent disagrees).
  • 92% of parents feel their child receives relevant and regular homework (2 parents disagree/strongly disagree).
  • 96% of parents feel the school site is safe (1 parent disagrees).
  • 96% of parents feel the school’s website is a useful resource (1 parent disagrees).
  • 100% of parents feel their child was helped to settle in well when he/she first started at the school.
  • 88% of parents would recommend the school to another parent of a child with special needs (3 parents disagreed.  1 parent who disagreed, agreed with every other question, therefore, this may be an error). 
  • 92% of parents believe that Woodlane is an excellent school (2 parents disagreed)



  • Request completion of questionnaire at parents’ evening to increase responses. 
  • Introduce break and lunch time curriculum.
  • Invite governors to school events to meet parents.
  • Continue efforts to support 2 x dissatisfied parents, improving satisfaction in specific areas.
  • Lead Practitioner to hold Annual Review for 2 x dissatisfied parents in this area. 
  • Advise parents that ‘Curriculum Maps’ are available on the school website, which can be found under each subject’s curriculum area – these provide detailed information which outlines what the pupils are learning and when.
  • Introduce changes to parents’ evening:
  • Offer in person and virtual appointments
  • Provide progress information on a termly basis
  • Increase the number of parents’ evenings
  • Ensure a parents’ evening is earlier in the year
  • Continue to offer a range of extra-curricular visits throughout the entire year, focus on subject areas where less visits are offered.
  • Ensure homework is offered consistency across all subjects, using the same format. 
  • Upload questionnaire results to school website, send newsfeed summary of results.
  • Reflect statistics in school self-evaluation/ include relevant targets and action in school improvement plan.

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