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Accessibility Settings


Under data protection law, individuals have a right to be informed about how the school uses any personal data held about them. We comply with this right by providing ‘privacy notices’ to individuals whose personal data we may be required to process.

Please download our privacy notice below which aims to inform parents and carers of how and why Woodlane High School collects, stores and uses information about pupils and parents.

Pupils under 13 and those with learning difficulties may not be considered to have the capacity to consent or understand these regulations, therefore it is important that parents and carers understand their rights and those of their child.  

The school also shares a privacy policy in relation to this website and the cookies it uses. The website is hosted by E4Education and the information needed can be found here: click here.

You can also contact our Data Protection Office directly:

Data Protection Officer: Tim Heapy
Telephone: 0208 743 5668
Email Address: